The Rexx Language Association was established to further the understanding and use of the Rexx programming language. With the release of Object Rexx and NetRexx, RexxLA has expanded its mission to include these languages as well. The Association is headquartered at the Research Triangle Park in North Carolina, and is international in scope with members throughout the world. Supported by a dedicated group of volunteers, the Rexx Language Association provides many benefits for its members.
The original Call for Participation in the formation of RexxLA
kindly supplied by Mike Cowlishaw.
RexxLA sponsors the annual Rexx Symposium which features presentations by recognized Rexx experts and practitioners, interesting products, and an opportunity to network and to learn from officers who share your enthusiasm for Rexx. All of the major Rexx vendors attend, giving you the opportunity to interact directly with them and provide them with valuable feedback from the field.
From the very first, the Rexx Language Association has been an active member of the committee working on an ANSI Standard for Rexx.
That Standard was published in 1996 and renewed in 2006. Your membership gives you a voice in maintaining this very important work.
If you write sophisticated applications in Classic Rexx, Object Rexx, or write your Java classes in NetRexx, or simply use Rexx to make your life easier on any platform, the Rexx Language Association has much to offer you.
Join your colleagues in the RexxLA today!