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Call for Presentations

The 2004 International Rexx Symposium
2 - 6 May 2004
Böblingen-Sindelfingen, Germany


Proposals to abstracts@rexxla.org by 28 Feb 2004

The 2004 International Rexx Symposium will celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Rexx programming language!

The Rexx Symposium will be held in Germany this year and will feature presentations and activities commemorating this significant milestone in programming language design.

In order to accommodate more sessions, the Symposium has been extended to four days for the first time. As usual, the emphasis will be on sharing Rexx solutions to business problems, Rexx language enhancements and extensions, and novel approaches to Rexx programming issues.

Naturally, this year will feature a certain amount of looking back at the history and origin of Rexx. Many of the attendees at the first Rexx Symposium in 1990 will return. A special effort has been made to invite speakers who can address the future of Rexx, its opportunities for growth, and the challenges it faces.

Symposium sessions will be presented at the Marriott Hotel in Sindelfingen and at the IBM Executive Briefing Center of the IBM Development Labs in Boeblingen, the home of IBM Rexx development.

The technical program will feature topics that range from application development issues to the design and implementation of Rexx interpreters.

User and vendor presentations will describe new and enhanced programming techniques, application interfaces, product offerings, and novel solutions to real-world problems.

The full range of Rexx platforms and environments will be represented.

Rexx enthusiasts as well as the authors of Rexx interpreters will attend.

--- Proposals for Symposium presentations are hereby solicited ---

Presentations on Rexx applications in all fields of the industry are expressly encouraged.

Presentations in the following topic areas are of particular interest:

  • 25 years of interesting Rexx applications/solutions/utilities
  • Deployment of Rexx applications on mainframes, workstations, PCs, as well as laptops, PDAs, handhelds and other mobile platforms
  • Multi-platform applications (e.g. UNIX, eComStation/OS2, Linux, MacOS, Solaris, Windows, z/VM, z/OS)
  • Rapid prototyping in Rexx
  • Designing Rexx applications for performance and portability
  • Rexx in client/server applications
  • Object-oriented Rexx interpreters (e.g. Object Rexx, NetRexx, roo)
  • Packages that provide language extensions (e.g. new Rexx function packages, bridging Rexx with Java, bridging Rexx with .Net)
  • Creating language extensions
  • Rexx interfaces to OLE/ActiveX/WSH, SOM/WPS, etc.
  • Rexx and emerging technologies such as telephony and wireless
  • Re-hosting applications that use Rexx
  • Large-scale or mission-critical Rexx applications
  • Rexx compilers and libraries
  • Products that use Rexx as a scripting or macro language
  • Rexx interpreters and status of current Rexx implementations (vendor, open-source, and experimental)

The Sunday before the Symposium (2 May 2004) will be dedicated to informal tutorials, followed by a reception. Proposals for tutorial presentations are also solicited.

Presentations are requested at all audience levels: introductory, tutorial, practitioner, and research.

Session proposals should include session title, speaker name (with brief bio), intended audience level, abstract (<100 words), and any special A/V or connectivity requirements.

Sessions are generally one hour long, but alternative durations can be accommodated on request. Speakers should allow ample time for questions and demonstrations.

Proposals for presentations or full papers should be submitted by email to abstracts@rexxla.org for consideration.

All submissions must be received by 28 Feb 2004.

Speakers will be notified of acceptance on or before 12 Mar 2004 via email.

In order to be included in the Proceedings of the 2004 Rexx Symposium, a publication-ready version of the presentation or paper must be submitted by 31 March 2004.

This Call For Presentations, the Registration Form, travel/lodging/venue information, and much more information will be available soon on the RexxLA website http://www.rexxla.org.

For questions about the program, presentations, publications, or speaking, email abstracts@rexxla.org.

For questions about Symposium registration, email treasurer@rexxla.org.

For any other questions about the Symposium, email symposium@rexxla.org.

The Rexx Symposium Committee is Gil Barmwater, Chip Davis, Rony Flatscher, Lee Peedin, David Ruggles, and Manfred Schweizer.

The International Rexx Symposium is the only technical conference dedicated to the Rexx family of programming languages, drawing speakers and attendees from around the world. The 2004 Rexx Symposium is sponsored by the Rexx Language Association, a non-profit member organization, with the generous support of IBM Corp, Safe Data Inc, Aviar Inc, Aresti Systems LLC, and many other loyal contributors.

Last updated on January 23, 2004 by webmaster@rexxla.org